Careers Guidance For You

Careers Guidance For You


Welcome to Adviza's Careers Portal:

The Gateway to Planning Your Career


Are you new to the Portal? Why not watch our brand new tour video to help you get started:



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Thank you! The Careers Guidance For You team

Group of students in school uniform 


You'll find lots of useful information to help you make the right decisions when it comes to choosing options and career routes. 

Go to Students


Parent and teenager looking at laptop



You'll find the information and tools you need to support your child at key times when decisions need to be made.

    Go to Parents


    Careers adviser and students looking at computers



    You'll find key information, resources and dates of events to support your students through key transition points.

    Go to Teachers

    Hopefully, your GCSE study is going well and you’re happy with the subjects that you have chosen. It’s really important to work hard and achieve the best grades possible to leave all options open to you at the end of Year 11.

    Over the next two years you will have the opportunity to study subjects in more depth to help you to decide what to do next. See useful tips below.

    Group of school students in uniformYear 11 is a short year so get as prepared as you can during Year 10.

    Getting started

    Key actions for Year 10 & 11:
    - Work hard!
    - Maintain good attendance at school
    - Revise for mock exams, they’re important and give you an idea of what you are grades you likely to achieve. (See: 17 Essential Revision Tips from CGP)
    - Think about which subjects you’re enjoying most and may want to carry on with at a higher level
    - If you’re struggling with any subjects talk to your teachers and get help
    - Be realistic with choices! 

    Top tip: Go to the eCLIPS Education section for advice on choosing level 3 courses

    Career ideas

    • Continue to research careers using useful websites
    • Attend any events both in and out of school
    • You may have the opportunity to undertake work experience. If not talk to family, friends, neighbours, teachers about their career journeys
    • During Year 11 you may have the opportunity to have a careers guidance interview with the external Careers Adviser that visits your school. They can help you explore ideas, identify strengths, interests and help you make the right choices
    • Have a chat with a Careers Adviser by webchat to get ideas of possible jobs, courses, or suitable training
    • Use the eCLIPS website - go to the Careers section which gives information on specific jobs and careers linked to school subjects
    • Use the eCLIPS Career Wizard tool to match careers to your interests
    • To get help identifying your current skills visit our transferable skills page
    • Listen to real people in real jobs with our career chat podcasts and by watching the career videos on the see your your future page
    • If you are unsure about which career you would like to pursue you can explore the tips on our which career? page
    • Try work experience in an area which interests you. This means actually trying a job for a week or so. Why not look at the virtual work experience opportunities on our see your your future page

     Explore eCLIPS Explore your transferable skills  Listen to career chat podcasts

    Visit our which career? page Visit the see your future…be your future page  Chat to an adviser 

    Planning ahead 

    Young people on an employability course sitting around a tableIt's important to have a plan (and a plan B in case things don't go quite as expected): 

    • Familiarise yourself with the post 16 options available. post16optionschart.pdf
    • Apply for sixth form courses that interest you
    • Visit other sixth forms that you may be interested in
    • Visit colleges and apply for courses.
    • Apply for apprenticeships if you’re not wanting to carry on with full-time study (you'll find lots of sources of information on our Apprenticeships and Traineeships page and in the useful websites list below)
    • You can apply for more than one option, you are not committing yourself and remember to ALWAYS HAVE A BACK-UP PLAN!
    • If you have the opportunity, visit companies, colleges and universities to help you decide whether a subject area or career is for you
    • If you want to go to university after further education then start to look at the UCAS website, the directory of all university degrees. It’s never too soon! Our higher education page will also help.

    Click below for college open days information in your county:





    Click below for sixth form information in your county:

    Please note sixth form open days are early in the Autumn term and there is often only one event.





    Decisions timeline:

    See the planner below for key dates. You don’t want to miss any!


    Useful websites

    We've compiled a list of useful websites to help you at each stage.


    Go back to Students