Careers Guidance For You

Careers Guidance For You


 Adviza Partnership entered Administration on 25 September 2024. The affairs, business and property of the Company are being managed by the appointed Joint Administrators Philip David Reynolds and Ian James Corfield. All enquiries to [email protected]


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    3rd May 2023

    We are hearing a lot about AI and how it could affect the job market...

    Last week for example, it was reported that a new AI tool can identify whether abnormal growths found on CT scans are cancerous. The algorithm performs more efficiently and effectively than current methods according to a study, but will not replace radiologists as their expertise is still vital to complete the diagnosis. It does seem that almost every week there is a new story about AI and its capabilities, but how will this actually affect the employment landscape in years to come?

    • Automation: AI has the potential to automate many tasks currently done by humans, especially routine and repetitive tasks. This could lead to the displacement of workers in industries such as manufacturing, transportation, and retail.
    • Increased productivity: AI can also improve productivity in industries where it is implemented. By automating routine tasks, AI can allow workers to focus on more complex and creative tasks, leading to higher overall productivity.
    • New job opportunities: While some jobs may be automated, new job opportunities may also be created as a result of AI. For example, new roles may emerge in industries such as data analysis, machine learning, and AI programming.
    • Skill requirements: AI may increase the demand for workers with specific skills, such as data analysis, programming, and problem-solving. Workers who do not have these skills may find it difficult to find employment.

    So, it seem that data analysis skills will shortly become one of those transferable skills which employers will look for alongside other tech capabilities such as Excel and Word and other software capabilities such as project and customer management. So, for those of you intending to apply to any degree apprenticeships or entry level jobs at 18, it may be wise to begin developing some skills in this area! Please don’t worry if you don’t feel ‘techy’ – we have found a number of free online courses which can kick start your learning in this area, taking you through everything a gentle pace!.  Explore them here:

    Of course, if you’re really interested in data analytics as a career, why not consider a degree or degree apprenticeship in this area? Find out what’s available here (UCAS) and here (WhatUni).