Careers Guidance For You

Careers Guidance For You


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    8th July, 2024

    The summer break is not only a time for relaxation and fun but also an excellent opportunity to start thinking about your future career. Whether you are in secondary school or sixth form, taking steps now can set you up for success later. Here’s how you can use your summer break to career plan, tailored to your school year.

    Year 7: Learn About Yourself

    At this stage, it's all about discovering what you enjoy and what you’re good at.

    • Try New Hobbies: Use your summer to explore different hobbies and interests. Join clubs, take up a new sport, or try your hand at arts and crafts. Understanding your interests can help you identify potential career paths.
    • Read, Watch and Listen Widely: Dive into books, relevant TV dramas and documentaries (use See Your Future for inspiration) podcasts, magazines, and online resources on various subjects. This can spark new interests and broaden your horizons.
    • Family and Friends: Talk to family members and family friends about their jobs. Learning about different careers can give you ideas about what might interest you in the future.

    Year 8: Setting Foundations

    As you approach your GCSE choices, it's important to start thinking more concretely about your future.

    • Research Careers: Look into different careers and what they entail. Websites like Prospects and the National Careers Service offer valuable information.
    • Skill Building: Focus on developing skills that are valuable in any career, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. You can do this through summer activities like team sports, volunteering, or part-time jobs.
    • GCSE Choices: Choose subjects that align with your interests and potential career goals. Remember, keeping a broad range of subjects can be beneficial if you’re unsure about your future career.

    Year 9: Gaining Experience

    Now is the time to gain some practical experience and start narrowing down your career choices.

    • Work Experience: Seek out work experience opportunities. Even a week can provide valuable insights into a career and help you build important skills.
    • Volunteering: Volunteering is another excellent way to gain experience and demonstrate commitment. It can also help you build a network of contacts.
    • Career Days: Attend career fairs and open days. They provide a chance to meet professionals and ask questions about their careers.

    Year 10: Making Decisions

    As you prepare for your GCSEs, use your summer break to make informed decisions about your next steps.

    • Further Education Choices: Decide whether you want to pursue A-levels, vocational qualifications, or an apprenticeship. Research what each path offers and how it aligns with your career goals.
    • CV Building: Start working on your CV. Include your academic achievements, work experience, and any extracurricular activities.
    • Mock Interviews: Practise interview skills. You can do this with family members or friends, which will prepare you for future job or college interviews.
    • Work Experience: Seek out work experience opportunities. Even a week can provide valuable insights into a career and help you build important skills.
    • Volunteering: Volunteering is another excellent way to gain experience and demonstrate commitment. It can also help you build a network of contacts.
    • Career Days: Attend career fairs and open days. They provide a chance to meet professionals and ask questions about their careers.

    Year 12: Preparing for the Future

    Your penultimate year of school is crucial for solidifying your career plans.

    • University and Apprenticeships: Research university courses and apprenticeship programmes. Visit open days and speak to current students or apprentices.
    • Personal Statement: Begin drafting your personal statement for university applications. Reflect on your experiences and how they’ve shaped your career aspirations.
    • Networking: Use social media platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals in fields you’re interested in. This can provide valuable insights and potentially lead to mentorship opportunities.

    Year 13: Taking Action

    Your final year is about putting your plans into action and making the transition to the next stage of your career journey.

    • Final Preparations: Use your summer to prepare for the transition. If you’re going to university, taking a gap year or intending to look for an entry level job, consider part-time work or internships in your chosen field to gain more experience.


    Your summer break is a valuable time to explore, experience, and prepare for your future career. No matter what year you are in, there are steps you can take to ensure you are on the right path. By using your summer wisely, you can gain a clearer understanding of your interests and strengths, and make informed decisions about your future. So, make the most of your break – your future self will thank you!


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