Careers Guidance For You

Careers Guidance For You


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    18 June, 2024

    As the school year wraps up, many students are excitedly looking forward to the summer holidays, dreaming of days filled with relaxation and fun. While lounging in the garden and catching up on your favourite shows sounds great, there's another option that's incredibly rewarding: part-time work. If you're over 13, getting a summer job offers lots of benefits that go well beyond just earning some cash:

    Skills Development

    Part-time work is a fantastic way to pick up new skills. You'll learn technical skills, like using certain software, handling cash, or cooking, depending on the job. You'll also develop vital transferable skills, such as communication, teamwork, time management, and problem-solving. These skills are really handy and will make you more adaptable and capable in various situations.

    Work Experience and CV Building

    In today’s competitive job market, having work experience is super important. A summer job can be a great addition to your CV, showing that you’re proactive and keen to gain practical experience. It also demonstrates to future employers that you have a good work ethic and can manage your time well, balancing work with other commitments.

    Financial Independence

    Earning your own money gives you a sense of financial independence and responsibility. You’ll learn important financial skills like budgeting, saving, and managing expenses. Whether you’re saving for university, buying something special, or just covering your own costs, earning your own money can be empowering and reduce the financial pressure on your family.

    Networking Opportunities

    Summer jobs often provide a chance to meet new people and build a professional network. These connections can be valuable for future job searches, university applications, and career advice. Networking isn’t just about meeting people in high-level positions; your peers and supervisors from part-time jobs can offer guidance, references, and even job leads in the future.

    Time Management and Responsibility

    Balancing a job with your personal life and other activities teaches essential time management skills. You’ll learn to prioritise tasks and manage your schedule efficiently, which can be really beneficial during the school year and beyond. This sense of responsibility and discipline is a critical life skill that will serve you well in any endeavour.

    Boosted Confidence and Independence

    Navigating the working world can significantly boost your confidence. Successfully completing tasks, earning a wage, and receiving positive feedback from employers can enhance your self-esteem and independence. This newfound confidence can translate into better performance in school and other areas of your life.

    Exploration of Career Interests

    Part-time work allows you to explore different fields and industries, helping you discover what you enjoy and what you don’t. This exploration can be crucial in making informed decisions about your future career path and educational pursuits. Trying out different jobs can provide clarity and direction if you’re uncertain about your future career goals.

    Community Engagement

    Working locally can also give you a sense of community engagement and connection. Whether it’s a job in a local café, retail store, or community centre, you’ll feel more integrated into your community and understand the importance of contributing to and supporting local businesses.

    So, how do you go about finding work?

    Start Early

    Begin your job search now! Many employers start looking for summer staff as early as spring, so getting a head start can increase your chances of finding a good position.

    Use Online Job Boards

    Websites like Indeed, Reed, and StudentJob are great resources for finding part-time work. You can filter searches based on location, job type, and hours to find something that suits you.

    Check Local Businesses

    Many local shops, cafes, restaurants, and retail stores look for extra help during the summer. Visit these places in person with a copy of your CV and ask if they have any vacancies. Sometimes a face-to-face introduction can make a strong impression.


    Let friends, family, and acquaintances know you’re looking for a job. They might know of openings that aren't advertised.

    Tailor Your CV and Cover Letter

    Make sure your CV is up to date and tailored to the specific job you’re applying for. Highlight relevant skills and experiences, even if they’re from school projects or volunteer work. A well-written cover letter/email can also help you stand out.

    Consider Temp Agencies

    Temporary employment agencies can help place you in a variety of short-term jobs. This can be a good way to get quick and varied work experience. They tend to be local businesses, so Google in your area.

    Look for Seasonal Jobs

    Many sectors specifically look for summer staff, such as tourism, hospitality, festivals, and events. Positions in these fields can provide interesting work environments and sometimes even include perks like free entry to events.

    Be Open-Minded

    While you might have an ideal job in mind, being flexible can open more opportunities. Don't be too fussy! Any part-time job can provide valuable experience and skills that will be useful in the future.

    Prepare for Interviews

    If you get called for an interview, make sure you’re prepared. Research the company, practice common interview questions, and dress appropriately. Show enthusiasm and be ready to explain why you’re a good fit for the job.

    Stay Organised

    Keep track of where you’ve applied, follow up on applications if you haven’t heard back after a couple of weeks, and be ready to attend interviews at short notice.

    Consider Volunteering

    If you’re struggling to find paid work, consider volunteering. It can provide valuable experience, enhance your CV, and sometimes lead to paid opportunities.

    By following these tips, you can increase your chances of finding a rewarding part-time job this summer. Good luck with your job search!

    For more help in searching for work, refer to eCLIPS and our portal guide.


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